Our Go Green Earth Hoodie was spotted in the Wuffington Wag!
Being a big dog kind of girl, I have never gotten into putting my pup into little cutsy outfits. But considering the frigid cold that we have been experiencing this holiday season, I must admit, I did squeeze Beignet into one of my hoodies and she looked unbelievably cute! What I am trying to say is, I get it, sometimes there is a time and a place and it seems that during this holiday season of below 65 degrees, dolling your dog up in a warm frock might be appropriate.
While you are protecting your pooch from the elements, you don’t want expose her to chemicals hiding inside the fabric of her coat! Fact is the US spends 2 billion dollars annually on chemicals for the sole purpose of spraying cotton crops. As much as half of these chemicals are classified as “hazardous” by the World Health Organization. Once the cotton is woven into fabric, chlorine is often applied to help the fabric hold its color, then it’s topped off with even more chemicals- like formaldehyde- to help the fabric retain its (now chemically-laden) shape. So instead of sicking that stuff on your pup, dress her up in clothes made from organic cotton or other eco fabrics. Here are a few of our faves:
- Go Green Earth Hoodie from The Haute Hound- This grey fleece dog hoodie, accented with an ever-so-chic “Go Green” and recycle sign, is easy to get your pup into and even has a leash hole!
www.Eco-hound.com by Laurel House, Green Editor